prepared piano

The Austrian vocal, piano and improvisation artist Ingrid Schmoliner distinctively expands the tonal language of current avant-garde music with her striking piano preparations and the multilayered combinations of her compositional patterns.
Artistically she moves in the genres of new music, experimental-improvised music, avant-garde music, free jazz, folk fusion and folk music. A further focus of her work is on the interdisciplinary collaboration with dancers, choreographers, and video artists. Ingrid Schmoliner initiated projects such as: Luíss together with the dancer_choreographer_video artist Riikka Theresa Innanen (FL) and the musicians Elena Kakaliagou (GR), Matthias Erian (AT), Martin Schönlieb (AT), Joachim Badenhorst (BE), PARA- Trio together with Thomas Stempkowski (AT), Elena Kakaliagou (GR)
She concerted with musicians such as Don Robinson, Xu Fengxia, Clayton Thomas, Thomas Berghammer, Marco Eneidi, Susanna Gartmayer, Peter Kutin, Sophie Reyer, Iren Kepl, Pamela Kurstin, Diego Mune, Frantz Loriot, Pascal Niggenkemper.
Ingrid Schmoliner is founder of the Raum_4 concert series in Vienna and curates the New_Adits_Festival for Contemporary Music in Carinthia.