
Anna Clementi is a Berlin-based performer and vocal acrobat, an “actress of the voice.” Through her ability to combine language(s), song, dance and acting, Clementi is considered a significant interpreter of contemporary compositions. During her decades spanning career, Anna Clementi has performed at the most important festivals, theater and opera houses, premiering numerous works, many of which have been composed especially for her (voice). Famed internationally for her interpretations of John Cage pieces, she has also worked with composers such as Laura Bianchini, Emanuele Casale, Fast Forward, Christian Kesten, Alexander Kolkowski, Olga Neuwirth, Phill Niblock, Daniel Ott, Josef Anton Riedl, Nicola Sani, Iris ter Schiphorst, Dieter Schnebel, Die Maulwerker, Laurie Schwartz, Charlotte Seither, Elliott Sharp, Roberta Vacca and produced numerous releases a.o. with Steffen Schleiermacher (John Cage: Voice and Piano), Tosca (Dehli9), Phill Niblock (Zound Delta 2) and many more. Her repertoire moves between a wide variety of musical genres: experimental music, electronic, pop, jazz, sound poetry, cabaret, free improvisation. She is a member of the vocal group Voxnova Italia, of the ensemble European Music Project (EMP) and of the duo Divas Desviantes founded with Laurie Schwartz.