The score, written for the duo Reidemeister Move (Robin Hayward, microtonal tuba, and Christopher Williams, contrabass), consists of two circular staves and a set of rules, reminiscent of a complex board game. This concert is also the release party of the recording of the same piece on the Berlin label Corvo Records.
More30 Minutes of Sound, Art, Sound Art and some broken Spanish conversation with the festival director Fernando Godoy on Radio Tsonami.
MoreCorvo Records co-founder Alessandra Eramo is selected Artist in Residence in November/December on the 2016 edition of TSONAMI SOUND ART FESTIVAL (Valparaíso/Cile)
MoreHolger Lund aka DJ Jaywalk interpreta música rock, psicodélica turca dos anos 60 e 70, misturando elementos ocidentais e orientais.
More…In absence of dramatic turnarounds it’s nice to be escorted by the sheer influence of instruments transmitting, first and foremost, an impulse to act calmly and live “in the moment”.
More»Riskier Kopf und Kragen, dann kommt Kunst und Leben raus!«