Franz Hautzinger
quartertone trumpet

Composer and performer of new and improvised music. Born in 1963. Studied trumpet and composition at the graz academy of music and the performing arts and at the vienna conservatory. He is (guest-)soloist in various ensembles, partner in international art cooperations (e.g. of Otomo Yosihide, Elliott Sharp, Ben Patterson, Joachim Kühn, Tony Oxley), and creator of his own projects (‘Franz Hautzinger speakers corner’, ‘Dachte Musik’, ‘Regenorchester’). Franz hautzinger plays a unique instrumental idiom fitting into contemporary jazz. In the last years he has turned to a vernacular that is inspired mostly by new music and practically independent of jazz in his improvising, composing, and concepts. Despite all outward reduction to aphoristic abbreviations and laconic gestures Hautzinger’s music still features a closely knit texture, rich in association, which rather communicates via parameters like density, volume, and color, than by distinctive pitches and time values. The musician’s works are radically subjective, from the solo performance that deals with non-musical subjects like privacy and intimacy all the way to variably instrumentalized ensemble works.
Since 1989 he teaches ensemble, composition, and arrangement at the vienna university of music and the performing arts.