sound, concept, images

Stefan Römer works with image, sound and text in a deconceptual manner, which means a critical deconstructive reading of contemporary culture and politics under the digital regime.
The album “Deconstructivist Sound“ on Corvo Records is published in the context of Römer’s project “DeConceptualize!“ of the Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme/ gkfd, which involves also the discussion series “De/ep Conceptual Listening &Viewing Sessions“.
Recent performances in sound and art: Deconceptual Voicings-tour together with Marc Matter 2019, CTM Berlin and Uncertain Sounds-Festival at Gallery Weißer Elephant, Berlin 2018; “die erweiterung des alphabets (the extension of the alphabet)“ 8“ vinyl, 1988; band project: Stan Back & The Noise Glam, since 2008; »Conceptual Paradise« essay film 2006; ADKV award for art criticism 2000; theoretical and artists books; founder of the art activist group »FrischmacherInnen« Cologne 1993.